19 April 2012

A Chocoholics Dream

Florence annually hosts what is easily one of the most exciting events of the year: A Chocolate Festival.  Most people might disagree with this bold statement, and say that a chocolate festival probably isn't that cool. But really, what can be better than 20 vendors selling different kinds of chocolate goodness, or fruit covered in chocolate, or chocolate kabob shavings, or chocolate cake swimming in hot chocolate!?  Absolutely nothing is what I say!

The festival was filled with eager people, sampling any kind of chocolate they can, also justifying their massive amounts of chocolate eating by covering fruit with it (or at least that's what I did!)  While some items were a bit expensive, in general, everything was very well priced, and definitely worth a trip to Santa Croce.

The festival typically is hosted in the Spring, with varying dates and locations.  This is the perfect opportunity to buy a giant heart-shaped chocolate Valentine for someone special.  Go out for a special date-night and try some chocolate beer or chocolate liquor. Everything you could ever want is right at your fingertips!

For more information on upcoming chocolate festivals and dates in Florence, visit http://www.fieradelcioccolato.it/